The Patriots

Winston Groom may be best known for his novel that was turned into the 1994 blockbuster hit Forest Gump, but his works as a non-fiction writer deserve the same accolades.  Focusing on American history, Groom has delivered great looks into wars from the Civil War to World War II.  The Patriots is Groom’s investigative storytelling … Continue reading The Patriots

Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates

Just as Thomas Jefferson was taking office as third president of the United States of America, a battle was raging across the Atlantic Ocean that would test the young country.  Government-backed pirates were patrolling the waters off the Barbary Coast, attacking merchant ships from the US, Britain, and other European countries.  Not only were they … Continue reading Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates

The Hemingses of Monticello

Following up on her shining debut Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings, Annette Gordon-Reed continues delving into the history of the residents at Monticello in The Hemingses.  In this second book, the author investigates several generations of the famous family and how they came to live at Monticello as well as what happened after Jefferson’s death.  … Continue reading The Hemingses of Monticello

Thomas Jefferson & Sally Hemings: An American controversy

For over 200 years, rumors of swirled around Thomas Jefferson’s name about torrid love affairs first with a married artist in Paris, and later with his slave Sally Hemings.  Sally, who happened to be his wife’s half-sister, has been the center of much controversy, especially after her descendants began to publicize their potential connection to … Continue reading Thomas Jefferson & Sally Hemings: An American controversy

This Week: February 18th

Tomorrow, we start week 8 of 2024 - time is flying! This week will take us to Delaware and on a journey to learn about our Presidents and First Ladies. I'll also recap the author event I attended for Heather Webb's latest release Queens of London early this month. What are you reading this week? Here's the books … Continue reading This Week: February 18th

Thomas Jefferson: a biography of spirit and flesh

Thomas Jefferson may be best known as the third President of the United States or as the primary writer of the US Constitution.  His statesmanship and political savviness helped frame the early American government, but it may come as a surprise to learn that Jefferson’s personal religious beliefs didn’t always fit with his contemporaries, or … Continue reading Thomas Jefferson: a biography of spirit and flesh