Upcoming Literary Festivals

It's time to look for the next literary festival to attend! I've been trying to attend at least one literary festival each quarter and there are so many great options across the country this quarter! Which will you be attending?  April World of South Festival of Literature & Music Tallahassee, FL April 26-28 Annapolis Book … Continue reading Upcoming Literary Festivals

Book Discussion & Signing: Queens of London

Earlier this month, I found myself back at the Atlanta History Center to hear Heather Webb discuss her latest release Queens of London. The book, based on a true story from London just after World War I, falls into Webb's wheelhouse of 1920's historical fiction and follows a line of great books from this author. I was … Continue reading Book Discussion & Signing: Queens of London

This Week: February 18th

Tomorrow, we start week 8 of 2024 - time is flying! This week will take us to Delaware and on a journey to learn about our Presidents and First Ladies. I'll also recap the author event I attended for Heather Webb's latest release Queens of London early this month. What are you reading this week? Here's the books … Continue reading This Week: February 18th

Book Discussion & Signing: Being Henry

Sunday night I had the pleasure of joining around 1500 of my closest book-loving friends to hear Henry Winkler discuss his memoir Being Henry: The Fonz...and Beyond. This event was part of the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta's Book Festival at their Dunwoody, Georgia, campus. It was by far the largest event I have … Continue reading Book Discussion & Signing: Being Henry