The Bridges of Madison County

Madison County, Iowa, is known for its historic covered bridges and idyllic farmland, which is why National Geographic has sent Robert Kincaid to photograph the bridges for an upcoming article.  He knows his way around angles and lighting, but can’t seem to find the last bridge he’s looking for today, so he pulls over at the next farm to ask directions.  Kincaid wasn’t prepared for the instant connection he experienced with the woman living there.  With just a week in town, and a little less before her family returns from the State Fair, Kincaid and Francesca Johnson explore their connection and the forbidden love that would mark the rest of their lives apart.

Robert James Waller’s seminal novel The Bridges of Madison County delivers a tale of missed connections and a life of putting responsibility to family before love.  This is a semi-autobiographical work as Waller is also a photographer and musician.  Released in 1992 to many accolades including the American Booksellers Book of the Year award, it was made into a blockbuster movie staring Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep.  This is a book about what could have been, and what has to be when you follow responsibility instead of your heart.

I give The Bridges of Madison County 5 out of 5 stars. I remember watching the movie adaptation as a teen, but reading this book gave me so much more context.  While it was written as if it is a true story, Waller later revealed this story is completely fictional.   This is a beautifully written romance story with an electric connection between the characters.  It does feel like something is missing and I wish the main characters would have found their way back to each other towards the end, which would be the only reason this book didn’t score top points in the recommendation category. 

If you enjoyed Nicholas Sparks’ Nights in Rodanthe, you will enjoy this novel as well!  With discussions of sex and adultery, this book should be directed to audiences over 13 years old.  This would make a great book club selection with plenty to discuss about each character’s motivations.  This novel was a quick read for me and would be a great weekend getaway take along.

I chose The Bridges of Madison County for the US States reading challenge prompt Iowa.  I have a special love for covered bridges and loved the movie adaptation for a very long time.  I think this book hit a little differently reading it in this season of life where not everything is sunshine and roses, but the commitment to family has ruled my decisions.  I’m so glad I haven’t only read the new releases this year, but taken time to experience these existing books, too – this is a beautiful story!

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