This Week: June 2nd

Happy June! This is National Portuguese Heritage Month, National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, National PTSD Awareness Month, Men’s Health Month, and National Great Outdoors Month. It’s also Pride Month and we are starting it off by reading a book by an LGBTQ+ author. What are you reading this month?

Here’s the books I’m looking forward to discussing with you this week. Grab your copies of these books by clicking the images below:

RWL Reading Challenge – Week 23: By an LGBTQ+ Author

The Guncle

by Steven Rowley

Posting on Monday, June 3rd

A few weeks back, I posted a list of LGBTQ+ authors and books celebrating their works. Steven Rowley is another to add to the list. This book felt like being in a room with one of my favorite high school friends, who is in media himself. I’m looking forward to sharing my full review with you tomorrow!

Here’s some other great books that would work for this prompt in popular genres:

June Theme

Posting on Wednesday, June 5th

Our theme for June is all things Dads! We’ll be listing out our favorite books about father/child relationships and our June reading playlist will be available!

US States Challenge – Week 22: Minnesota

The River We Remember

by William Kent Krueger

Posting on Thursday, June 6th

This was one of my Book of the Month selections last year. I had originally planned to read a different book by this author, but the cover on this one kept drawing my attention. I can’t get over how much I loved this book!

Here’s some other great books that would work for this prompt in popular genres:

Rotating Posts – Week 23: Sponsored

The Cicada Spring

by Carolyn McBride

Posting on Saturday, June 8th

This is another I chose based on the cover – how beautiful! McBride delivers a coming-of-middle-age story set amongst COVID restrictions and romantic betrayal.

This post contains affiliate links.

What I’m Reading

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