This Week: April 7th

Do you like picking up new books, or do you prefer to focus on reading older books? I like both – I love reading new authors, but I feel like I missed so many great books that have been released before. It will take me a lifetime to catch up! This week is taking us to new places with two new releases, but we have an older release, too.

Here’s the books I’m looking forward to discussing with you this week. Grab your copies of these books by clicking the images below:

RWL Reading Challenge – Week 15: New Release in 2024

Fangirl Down

by Tessa Bailey

Posting on Monday, April 8th

This is the second book I’ve read this year from this author – she’s great! This spicy romcom is full of witty dialogue and humor. You’re going to love it!

Here’s some other great books that would work for this prompt in popular genres:

April Theme

Posting on Wednesday, April 10th

This week, we’re looking at the April Theme of flowers and sharing the April playlist!

US States Challenge – Week 15: Iowa

The Bridges of Madison County

by Robert James Waller

Posting on Thursday, April 11th

Have you ever watched the 1995 film staring Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep? I can remember watching this as a teen, but never knew it was a book. Reading it gave me so much context and details I didn’t get from the movie! You’ll love it!

Here’s some other great books that would work for this prompt in popular genres:

Rotating Posts – Week 15: Sponsored

Tom Clancy Act of Defiance

by Brian Andrews & Jeffrey Wilson

Posting on Saturday, April 13th

If you’ve followed along with the site long, you’ll know I love Jack Ryan books! This is no different even though it focuses on both Jack and his children. In a case of deja vu, this book sees the Ryans tracking a missing submarine with so many connections to the Red October.

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What I’m Reading

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