The Secret Order of the Scepter & Gavel

Thank you to the author for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

Herbert is your average janitor.  He cleans up after people in the offices and labs he’s assigned to, carts the waste out to the dump, and does it all again the next day.  He and his wife have a simple life…until his past comes back to haunt him.  Youthful mistakes and peer pressure-fueled stunts back in college are suddenly evidence against him once again decades later.  The Secret Order of the Scepter & Gavel was supposed to be a matter of prestige, helping him build connections to further his career.  But here he is, a janitor, and murder suspect for the second time in his life.

Nicholas Ponticello delivers a murder mystery that keeps you guessing until the end in his latest release The Secret Order of the Scepter & Gavel.  Ponticello pulls on his studies in astrophysics to provide the added twist in this novel’s unique setting: a Mars settlement.  This book is a cautionary tale of how vengeance can destroy both sides, and leads readers to question if someone can move past youthful transgressions to be a meaningful part of society.  The author has received multiple awards for previous works, and I expect no less for this newest creation. 

I give The Secret Order of the Scepter & Gavel 5 out of 5 stars.  I went into reading this book with two things in mind: I don’t normally read science fiction and secret societies aren’t normally my kind of thing.  Ponticello’s writing style and thoughtfulness in the plot twists blew my expectations out of the water.  I appreciate the inclusion of mental healthcare in a way that shows the usefulness and makes it socially acceptable.  The author also includes a few “Easter eggs” with references to historical figure namesakes that this history buff in me loved!  I also appreciated the dual timelines to help readers connect certain points in both eras together and further the plot.  There were several points in the reading where I thought I had figured out the ending too early, only to have my guesses proven wrong – this is exactly the kind of mystery writing I love!

While this book does have aspects of science fiction, readers like me who aren’t fond of that genre will have no trouble connecting with this plot and the writing.  I would recommend this book for readers who like small town or cozy mysteries as well as those who like science fiction.  With discussions of death and dangerous pranks, I would direct this to more mature readers over the age of 13.

I was given the opportunity to read an advanced copy of The Secret Order of the Scepter & Gavel by the author.  Nicholas Ponticello and I connected on social media a few months back – I have really enjoyed Author Threads and the new independent authors I have been introduced to in that space!  Like with the reading challenge we did last year, ARC opportunities from independent authors have really opened my horizons to new writers and genres I would not normally have chosen for myself.  This was a binge read for me, too – I started it one Saturday morning and just couldn’t put it down.  You will love this book!

Looking to grab a copy of The Secret Order of the Scepter & Gavel?  You can preorder the book on Amazon ahead of its April 1, 2024, release date with Kindle delivery direct to you at release!

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