February Theme: Romance

Is it really any surprise that our February theme is Romance? This is the month of love for most of the world, but if you’re not in the mood for candy hearts, roses, and cupids….never fear! Our Valentine’s Day post is going to be an ode to all things anti-romance!

There are so many great romance writers out there. It’s hard to pull together a comprehensive list, but if you’re looking for a good place to start, try books by Mary Kay Andrews, Robyn Carr or Tessa Bailey. We’ve read quite a few romance books in the past year – and not the raunchy books you think of with Fabio on the cover! Here’s a few we’ve reviewed you might be interested in:

What books would you add to this list?

If you’re like me, you like to have music or some kind of noise while you read – I just can’t read in utter silence! Here’s my Spotify playlist for this month – February 2024 – Romance. A secret for you – somewhere in this playlist are 3 songs in a row from my own wedding in 2014! Any songs you’d add?

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What I’m Reading

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