This Week: January 7th

Week 1 of 2024 is complete – how did you do with the reading challenge? Week 2 promises to be just as fun! This time of year is usually when my kids start asking when it’s going to snow, which doesn’t happen much where we live. My northern friends have been sending me texts with their snow measurements though – it’s a lot! How much snow are you seeing?

Here’s the books I’m looking forward to discussing with you this week. Grab your copies of these books by clicking the images below:

RWL Reading Challenge – Week 2: Winter / Snow

The Call of the Wild

by Jack London

Posting on Monday, January 8th

Finding a book about snow that wasn’t a romance novel was a tough journey! I’ve seen this book and know of it, but haven’t read it before. But with all the snow on the cover image, I thought it was a good fit. This one could also do double duty this week as a book set in Alaska, too!

Here’s some other great books that would work for this prompt in popular genres:

DIY Reading Retreat

Posting on Wednesday, January 10th

A few months back I saw a Facebook ad for a reading retreat – you and a dozen friends come to this lodge in the woods and read all weekend while doing pre-planned events and eating food cooked by the organizer. That sounded interesting, but I kept thinking how my girlfriends and I tend to chat and drink wine more than read when we’re together, and I’m not much for pre-planned activities. I’ll talk you though how I created my own solo reading retreat instead!

US States Challenge – Week 2: Alaska

Open Carry

by Marc Cameron

Posting on Thursday, January 11th

Cameron has quickly become one of my favorite authors after reading his work for the Jack Ryan series last year. I read book 4 in the Arliss Cutter series last year as well and wanted to start again at the beginning and see the backstory unfold for one of my all time favorite leading men!

Here’s some other great books that would work for this prompt in popular genres:

Rotating Posts – Week 2: Nonfiction

Thomas Jefferson: A biography of spirit and flesh

by Thomas S. Kidd

Posting on Saturday, January 13th

I spent most of 2023 reading about our first two presidents and their contemporaries. I’m now starting on the third: Thomas Jefferson. The founding fathers are so interesting to me and this is a more recent biography promising to cover not only his early motivations, but also his personal convictions that affected his relationship with Sally Hemmings.

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What I’m Reading

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