This Week: December 31st

It’s New Years Eve which brings more traditions for our family! Ever since our first New Years Eve on our own, my eldest and I have had a junk food celebration, watch movies, play games and try to stay up to watch the ball drop in Times Square. Milkshakes, cookies, smores, popcorn with M&M’s and all thinks junk food await in the next few hours! I’m looking forward to the family Uno game though – our 7-year old is ruthless! I’m also hoping to find some time to read today – even after my reading retreat this week, I still have so much to do!

Here’s the books I’m looking forward to discussing with you this week. Grab your copies of these books by clicking the images below:

RWL Reading Challenge – Week 1: New Years

Same Time, Next Year

by Debbie Macomber

Posting on Monday, January 1st

I picked out this book months ago when I was looking for holiday themed reads. This is #4 in the Manning Men series, but was a great stand alone read.

Here’s some other great books that would work for this prompt in popular genres:

January Theme Discussion

Posting on Wednesday, January 3rd

This month’s theme is New Beginnings. We’ll take a look at some great books that fit this theme, and some activities to help you embrace the new year.

US States Challenge – Week 1: Alabama

Africatown: America’s last slave ship and the community it created

by Nick Tabor

Posting on Thursday, January 4th

I’ve been intrigued by this book since it released in 2023. This non-fiction read struck me to my core in much the same way Twelve Years A Slave did last year – the stories of these people absolutely rocked me!

Here’s some other great books that would work for this prompt in popular genres:

Rotating Posts – Week 1: ARC

Love, Naturally

by Sophie Sullivan

Posting on Saturday, January 6th

This is a sponsored post from Macmillan Audio and NetGalley and I’m so excited to listen! Love, Naturally is a small-town romance releasing on January 16th!

This post contains affiliate links.

What I’m Reading

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