This Week: December 24th

Happy Christmas Eve, friends! Does your family get together on Christmas Eve, or Christmas morning? My husband and I both have extended families that gather on Christmas Eve traditionally, but our house is all about Christmas morning! We have a tradition of gathering around our hall tree to see what Santa left in the stockings (we don’t have a fireplace here), making cranberry orange muffins with lots of coffee, and playing with the kids till lunch when my parents come over. This year, we’re going to spend some time reading, too – both kids (and me!!) are getting new books!

Here’s the books I’m looking forward to discussing with you this week. Grab your copies of these books by clicking the images below:

Holiday Romance

by Catherine Walsh

Posting on Monday, December 25th

Prompt: a holiday romance

When I started looking for a book to read for this prompt, I thought this title was ironic, but so perfect for the challenge! This is a cute, friends to lovers story that’s a perfect quick read…especially if you’re flying for this holiday!

Still Me

by Jojo Moyes

Posting on Wednesday, December 27th

Prompt: Bottom of your TBR list

I read the first two books in this series last year, and had meant to read one, too. I can’t believe I waited so long! Moyes is one of my favorite authors. If you love Me Before You, you’ll love this one!

My Side of the River

by Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez

Posting on Friday, December 29th

Prompt: With a red cover

I won this book a few weeks back from a GoodReads giveaway and wasn’t sure what to expect with this one. I’ve read a lot of memoirs and this one is very unique. From the use of Spanish in the dialogue to the discussion of “anchor babies” and visas, this one felt like it opened a new world of thought and discussion for me.

December Wrap Up

Posting on Saturday, December 30th

We are already at the end of the year and it’s time to wrap up the month, and the year, of reading! We’ll look back at both what we read in December, and a special look back at our top books of 2023, too. I’ll also post the graphic for the Read With Lindsey Reading Challenge prompts for January.

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What I’m Reading

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