Reading Challenge Reminder

With just 10 days left in 2023, I want to take a moment to walk through what to expect from the blog and the reading challenge staring January 1st. I’ve been slowly shifting our posts and reviews to the new schedule. The change has been a challenge for me personally as I am working towards having the reviews written a few days ahead of when they post, which means reading the books a week or so ahead of time. If you pay attention to the What I’m Reading section at the bottom of each post, you’ll notice my reads are sometimes 2 weeks ahead now.

If you’re looking for the full reading challenge and the downloadable prompts, check out our launch post from last month here.

I’ll be doing the 2024 RWL Reading Challenge alongside all of you, but I’ll also be doing the US States challenge (a book set in each of the 50 states plus the District of Columbia and a US Territory). Additionally, I’ll be reading one book a week from a rotating schedule of ARCs, my TBR stack, and nonfiction posts like memoirs or self-help.

Weekly Schedule

Moving forward, you’ll see our posts take on a certain rhythm each week, which will make it easier for you to find the reviews for the challenge. I’ll be posting at least 3 book reviews each week as well as other posts. Most weeks, it will look like this:

Sunday: Weekly Agenda I’ll run down the challenge prompts for the week (both the RWL and States) as well as other posts you’ll see the next 7 days. I’ll share which book I’m reading for the challenges, and give you other great options in some top genres like Romance, Thriller, Nonfiction, and Kids.

Monday: RWL Challenge I’ll share the full review for the book I read for each RWL Reading Challenge prompt on Mondays.

Tuesday: Releasing Today I’ll be reposting the reviews for our RWL Most Anticipated Releases hitting shelves on Tuesdays. There may not be a post every week, but I will make sure to call out any time these great books are releasing!

Wednesday: Special Posts Think of Wednesdays like a potluck – you never know what will be there. Every month, we’ll share a monthly theme for our RWL prompts and some great options. This will also be the day you’ll see any author event or book signing recaps.

Thursday: US States Challenge This is where you’ll find my states challenge reviews. I’m doing the states in alphabetical order and the final two weeks of year will be D.C. and the territory.

Friday: No posts

Saturday: Rotating Schedule Every other week, I’ll be sharing a new ARC review. On the off weeks, I’ll be reviewing a rotating schedule of books from my TBR stack and nonfiction books like the celebrity memoirs, historical biographies, and self-development books I’ve read this year. I’m committed to busting my TBR stack this year between the challenge and these Saturday posts! (Shhh…no one needs to mention that I will probably buy more every month than I read…)


Similar to the reviews we’ve posted in 2023, my 2024 reviews will include a recap of the book, the rating and reason behind it, who I’d recommend this book for, and why I chose it for each prompt. I’ll also make sure you have a link to grab a copy of the book from our page – every purchase helps support my writing and Independent Bookstores nationwide.


I’m still exploring other paths for discussion, but the best way to join in is here on the blog in the comments of each post. You can also join us on Threads for more frequent interactions – we’ve got quite a community forming there! I’m also on Instagram and Facebook – check the links at the top of the page.

I’m really excited to be reading with you in 2024 – I love the idea that so many people from different walks of life in vast geographic coverage will be reading for the same prompts at the same time!

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What I’m Reading

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