This Week: December 17th

The week before Christmas is usually filled with present wrapping and cookie baking in our house. Our teen is home from college and it’s finally starting to feel like the holidays here! What fun traditions does your family do this week to prepare for the holiday?

Here’s the books I’m looking forward to discussing with you this week. Grab your copies of these books by clicking the images below:

The Scarlet Letter

by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Posting on Tuesday, December 19th

Prompt: Re-read a favorite

I’ve read this book at least a dozen times over the past 30 years. This is a great classic book and relevant to this era of our country as well – women being condemned while the men involved skate free for the most part. Unwanted pregnancy and the consequences. Vengeance. There is so much to unpack with this one!

Getting Ready for the 2024 Reading Challenge

Posting on Thursday, December 21st

With just a few weeks left before the inaugural reading challenge launches, I wanted to share some tips on how you can get a head start and get ready to read along with us every week, as well as where to find the reviews of the books I’m reading for the challenge, too!

The Santa Suit

by Mary Kay Andrews

Posting on Saturday, December 23rd

Prompt: Holiday Book written by a Friends & Fiction guest

Ok, so not exactly a Friends & Fiction guest…more of a founder, but still! I fell in love with MKA’s holiday books when I read the ARC for her latest release earlier this year (Bright Lights, Big Christmas). This one did not disappoint either! Set in a small town with lots of Christmas magic and romance, you’ll love this one, too!

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What I’m Reading

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