A Vineyard Valentine

Eloisa and her dad have always been anti-Valentine’s Day, but now he’s moved away and left her in charge of the family winery.  And what’s the biggest holiday draw for the winery?  Elo’s least favorite day of the year.  Usually she leaves the winery’s annual singles party up to her best friend to manage.  But when her friend suffers food poisoning, Elo has to brave the love-fest.

A Vineyard Valentine is a campy romance tale about finding love in an unexpected place.  Nina Bocci relies on overused tropes of “girl meets boy” and “girl puts work before love” to build this storyline.  This is a quick read and the audio book is under 4 hours long.

I give A Vineyard Valentine 3 out of 5 stars.  The characters and the story felt familiar, almost reused or recycled from other books.  Despite giving off Hallmark Valentines Movie vibes, this was a light and airy book – just what I needed after reading some heavier novels like The Color Purple and very long biographies like Alexander Hamilton.  The cringe factor is definitely there, though – the plot was so predictable.

I recommend A Vineyard Valentine for readers looking for a quick escape for the holiday.  If you are looking for a realistic or more serious read, this is not the book for you.  On the other hand, if you like Hallmark Valentines Movies, this is the book for you!  Given the theme of wine and hook ups, I would recommend this for audiences over 18.

I chose A Vineyard Valentine in honor of Valentine’s Day.  If given a do-over, I would probably choose something a little different – maybe Nicholas Sparks’ The Notebook or Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.  Honestly, I know Bocci has written several other romance novels, but I probably won’t be reading them any time soon – this style just isn’t for me.  What are you reading for the holiday?

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